Drunk Driving Accident Attorneys

Drunk Driving Accidents

A drunk driving accident can change your life forever. Someone else’s decision to drive drunk can have a lasting effect on you and your family. When a person drives drunk or under the influence of drugs or alcohol they put not only their lives at risk, but the lives of others. Although there are criminal penalties to hold drunk drivers accountable, those penalties do not cover the damages suffered by victims of drunk driving. A drunk driving accident can have a significant financial impact on its victims. If you or a family member have been injured or killed by a drunk driver, you may be entitled to recover financial compensation for the damages you suffer.

Kentucky Drunk Driving Statistics

Drunk driving is a nationwide problem. According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, about 37 people die daily in drunk-driving crashes in the United States. The Kentucky Traffic Collision Facts 2022 Report, reports that 14% of all alcohol related collisions in the state resulted in fatalities, and 12% of collisions related to drugs were fatal. Despite all the advocacy around the effects of drunk driving, some people continue to put their lives and the lives of others at risk.

Kentucky DUI Laws

Kentucky DUI laws prohibit a person from driving if:

  • Your blood alcohol content (BAC) is .08% or higher if you are driving a non-commercial vehicle, or 0.4% if you are driving a commercial vehicle, or
  • You are under the influence of a controlled substance, alcohol, or any combination of these substances that impairs your ability to drive, or
  • You have any amount of a listed illicit substance like cocaine or methamphetamines in your system.

Criminal penalties for a DUI conviction range from jail time of 48 hours to 12 months or fine of $200 to $1,000, depending on the number of prior DUI offenses by the driver. Driving with a BAC of .15%, with a passenger under the age of 12, causing injury, refusing testing, or excessively speeding would fall under an aggravated DUI charge attracting double the minimum jail time for a regular DUI.

While these limits are set by law, drivers must take certain precautions when they are out drinking because some people may be impaired even with BAC lower than the legal limit. Some precautions a responsible driver can take include:

  • Choose a designated driver who does not or will not drink 
  • Do not let your friends drive drunk. Take their car keys from them or arrange to get them home sober
  • Do not drink and drive. If you plan to drink, arrange for a sober ride home

Drunk Driving Accident Victims

If you or a family member has been injured by a drunk driver, you should speak to a drunk driving accident lawyer as soon as possible after the accident. Your specialized car accident lawyer in Louisville will assess your case and help you understand your legal position. Your lawyer will also assist you to fight to recover full and fair financial compensation for your damages. To learn more about your legal options, call Dolt, Thompson, Shepherd & Conway, PSC. today at (502) 369-0616 today or contact us online for your free case evaluation.

  • Product Liability Settlement $95 Million
  • Hospital Liability Settlement $55 Million
  • Product Liability Settlement $30 Million
  • Truck Accident Jury Verdict $27.3 Million

Why Hire Dolt, Thompson, Shepherd & Conway, PSC?

We Change Lives
  • We Have Some of the Largest Verdicts & Settlements in KY
  • Our Senior Partner is an Inner Circle of Advocates Member
  • We Have Over 5 Decades of Experience
  • In-House Medical Staff to Assist in Case Preparation & Investigations
  • You Won’t Pay Any Upfront Costs
  • Respected Among Other Firms For Our Reputation in Handling Complex Cases

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You Won’t Pay Unless We Win

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