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Tips for Traveling With a Child With Special Needs

Although traveling can be a bit more challenging when you have a child with special needs, It doesn’t have to stop you from exploring the world with your little one. With extra planning, you can make travel work for your whole family. Here are some tips that can help ease your mind while traveling this fall.


# 1 – Bring Medications

First, make sure you have all the necessary medications on hand. This is especially crucial if you’re traveling internationally. If your child has special dietary needs, be sure to pack enough food to last the entirety of the trip. Another thought to consider is bringing along some of your child’s favorite comfort items, like a stuffed animal or a special blanket.

# 2 – Bring Entertainment

Next, plan ahead for entertainment. If your child has limited mobility, make sure you choose destinations that are accessible. And if your child is easily bored, pack some favorite toys or games to keep them occupied.

# 3 – Practice

If you plan to take a long road trip, try adapting them to shorter road trips. For example, you can take your child through local neighborhoods or to a local town within 30 minutes to an hour.

# 4 – Take a Break

Finally, don’t forget to take care of yourself. Travel can be stressful, so ensure you’re getting enough rest and eating healthy meals. If you’re well-rested and feeling good, you’ll be better equipped to handle anything on the trip.

By following these tips, you can ensure everyone has a safe and enjoyable trip.

If you need legal services regarding your child with special needs, don’t hesitate to reach out to the Dolt, Thompson, Shepherd & Conway, PSC team today. Call us at (502) 244-7772  or fill out a consultation request form to get in touch with one of our legal experts.
